Thursday 3 November 2011


Yesterday we had a Toga party for my friend Will's birthday (see facebook for pictures - also, I did all of the girl's togas, so feel free to compliment what a great job I did!). It was definitely a ton of fun! Halloween weekend was also a blast - I'm lucky to live in such a great house and to have made such a great group of friends. It's crazy to think that i've been here for just over a month now - it feels like i've been here forever and also like i've been here for no time at all! This Saturday is bonfire night which I am really excited for - it'll be the first traditional British thing I've done! I'm also busy getting ready for my upcoming trip to Amsterdam and trying to keep on top of my readings like a typical student. Thanks to everyone who's been sending me mail as well - I promise that return letters are on their way!


1 comment:

  1. I did actually think that those togas looked really good!
