Thursday 27 October 2011

Happy (Early) Halloween!

Surprisingly not a whole lot is new here. Now that I am three weeks into classes, there is a lot of studying going on! This week I played in a Flat 5 vs. Flat 2 pool tournament though and we won! (Although pool is a very different game here then what we play in Canada!) We have also been busy planning a surprise party for tonight for our friend Caroline and made her a cake last night! Then Friday and Saturday we are going out for her birthday, Sunday is Carnage (and my mom's birthday!), Monday is Halloween and Tuesday we are having a house-wide toga party for someone else's birthday. All of the guys in my house want me to bring red plastic beer cups from Canada ("Like from American Pie") because they think that they are really cool.....strange.

I've also booked a ticket to go up to Scotland for the Christmas market at the end of November and am going to Liverpool at the beginning of December to stay with a flat-mate. Also working really hard to plan a trip to Cadbury Land because chocolate is WAY better here then in North America!

Just for interest, this is my new favourite British band, "One Direction". They were 3rd(?) place in X-Factor last year and everyone here loves them. I have a feeling that you will particularly enjoy them Katherine :)

Hope that you've all survived your midterms and enjoy your Halloween weekend!


1 comment:

  1. you know me so well :) thanks for this
