Sunday 9 October 2011

Are You Alright?

Hello all from England!

Now that I have time to properly post, here goes nothing. This week has definitely been one of the crazy busiest weeks of my life! But I am definitely paying for it now as I am sick (down with a case of the Fresher's Flu as they call it here)! I still can't tell directions for anything and somehow manage to get lost on campus at least once a day, but I can at least find my way back to residence now! They have had a million events planned for us this week and my voice is all but gone from all of our Lonnie chants. One of the most interesting ones was the silent disco - everyone wears wireless headphones and you choose your music station to dance to. The strangest part is taking the headphones off! We've also done several bar crawls, both in-town and to all of our campus bars. Classes start tomorrow which will be strange - it doesn't really feel like school yet.

Here's some of the things I've found the most different so far:

  1. Slang - don't EVER use the word soccer; also, "are you alright?" is just slang for hello in England (I was worried that I looked really sad or something!); supper is called 'tea' and so on
  2. There's no Kraft Dinner in England!!!! Or Pop Tarts, or Gravol. I offered one of my flatmates a Gravol, and they thought I meant like the little rocks. 
  3. Food is REALLY unhealthy. For real - one of the options for breakfast in the cafeteria every morning is deep fried toast. (Or just deep fried bread I's not really toasted)
That's all I can think of for now......Happy Thanksgiving! 



  1. Eww deep fried bread! I guess maybe you'll be asking for KD for Christmas, lol. Do they even have regular Mac 'n' Cheese? Also the silent disco sounds hilarious!! Hope you're having fun and enjoy classes!

  2. Mmmm deep fried bread ;) That silent disco sounds so cool!
    I'm glad that you're having fun and I can't wait to see pictures!!!!

  3. LOOOVE it!! English slang ftw.

    yes, I am taking advantage of being able to post so I'm posting on everything :)
