Thursday 20 October 2011

What I've Been Up To...

Okay, since I have a whole hour between classes, here is a longer explanation of what i've been up to. I've been really enjoying my time here, especially because of the college system. I live in Lonsdale College (colleges are kind of like the equivalent to Harry Potter houses - we're obviously Gryffindor). And then within my college there are a handful of houses - I live in House 44, Burton. Then in each house there are floors and on each floor are two flats. A flat has between 6-8 bedrooms and a shared kitchen - I hope that this makes more sense Lorraine! My house is really close which is great :) There's also a lot of other international students which is cool - my floor has two Germans and a Bulgarian and there are also two Spanish people and an Irish person in my house. It's really crazy how close you get to people in this system....i'm already dreading having to leave them all!

There's also a lot less lecture time here, I do about two hours a week - but there are tons of readings! My classes are really interesting though! Textbooks are also WAY cheaper which is nice :)

The city, Lancashire, is also really cool. It's really old, the other day when I was coming back from the Lake District one of the guys I went with pointed to a building and said, "that building is older then your country". Kind of puts things in perspective! Everything is close together which is cool, and there are a lot of shops and bars and restaurants for it being such a small city!

Finally, the most fun part is the culture. I still have my accent mocked on a semi-regular basis thanks to my wonderful housemates, and now I can even start to hear the difference between the Northern and Southern english accents (Lancashire is in the North i've learned). The South have a way more "posh: accent. We also have a great time trying to understand each others' slang but some things, like dead baby jokes, are universal (we had a late night last night). I'm also getting really annoyed with being asked if i'm American!

In other news, I joined the Harry Potter Society and got sorted into Hufflepuff - lame; and i've booked a trip to Amsterdam from the 10th to the 13th of November! And I need to figure out a halloween costume pronto because in England people only dress up as scary things so all of my ideas are no good - let me know if you have any creative ideas! Also, Guy Fawkes day is coming up soon - it's pretty cool, it has to do with burning terrorists - google it if you are bored.

I hope this gives you a better idea of what i've been up to!



  1. Halloween would be super funny if you dressed as something NOT scary because you will oddly not fit in. I'm thinking something random like a box of tissues!
    And yes the whole flatemate, housemates thing makes WAY more sense now. I think I actually get it!
    I love old buildings, you should take some pictures of your campus so we can see it. A building older than our country...crazy!

  2. Haha oh Guy Fawkes day, celebrating a terrorist attack on parliament! We learned about this in my 17th century drama class! Glad you are having fun kiddo

  3. Now I know why you have a 44 on your head in all those pics...miss you !!
