Thursday 24 November 2011

Actually, Thanksgiving was in October.

What have I been up to this week? After getting back from Rome had a quality weekend with the housemates: went out, went to the market/Starbucks and even managed to squeeze in a bit of homework! On Monday night, there was a college trip into Manchester for a night out and two really exciting things happened:

  1. The takeaway guy made me poutine. I asked him to put gravy on my cheesy chips and he did it -         success!
  2. I met a celebrity! This only half counts because I actually have no idea who he is...when we walked into the club my friend Becca went "OMG is that Ricky Hatton?" and she and my friend Ben started freaking out. True Story. For a picture of us with Ricky Hatton (who is a boxer by the way), see my facebook. 
Since then I have still been busy plugging away at my schoolwork! Tonight, since it is American thanksgiving, our college put on a thanksgiving dinner, so that was pretty nice (even if Thanksgiving was well over a month ago). But British version of pumpkin pie was a huge let down...guess i'll have to wait until I come home for the real stuff! And it was a bit annoying having people wish me a happy thanksgiving all day - don't they know i'm Canadian? ;) 

Lastly - exactly one month until Christmas eve today, crazy how time flies!



  1. yay for american thanksgiving!!!

    pumpkin pie reminds me...i have a surprise for you when you get home

  2. Any surprise that reminds you of pumpkin pie is bound to be amazing! I can't wait :)
