Friday 11 November 2011

Off to Italy!

Since I'm trying to avoid the temptation to go out with my house mates tonight (can't be too tired for the train tomorrow!) I thought I'd post one more time before my trip. As of today, I am officially on reading week - you've got to love England, after 5 weeks of class they figure that I already need a break :) Strangely, only English Literature students get reading week here too - we're just an under-appreciated discipline everywhere else I guess!

You will all be so proud of me as well - I'm notoriously bad for over-packing, but managed to fit all of my stuff for my 5 day trip into a carry-on bag - and with extra room for shopping!

It's armistice day here today as well (akin to Canadian Remembrance Day) which means 2 minutes of silence at 11:00 instead of the usual one at 11:11 - little cultural difference! It's also Corduroy Day because today's date (11/11/11) looks most like Corduroy. When they told me that, I thought they were just making it up, but it is apparently a legitimate thing, given that three different people and a lecturer told me that.

We've also been studying insane amounts of Jane Austen in my classes this past week which is amazing! And I have plans to go to the Keats-Shelley Museum while in Rome - I'd better get extra credit in my British Romanticism class!

I'd better go and have one last drink with the house before my trip....


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